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Sontay Multi-point Air Velocity Probes (ABS) AV-EP100
Sontay Multi-point Air Velocity Probes (ABS) AV-EP100 £39.03
Riello Nozzle Holder 3008955
Riello Nozzle Holder 3008955 £20.08
Sontay Wind Speed and Direction Sensors AV-WAD
Sontay Wind Speed and Direction Sensors AV-WAD £1,034.35
Riello Gas Nozzle 3012878
Riello Gas Nozzle 3012878 £1,128.96
Belimo DRC24G-T-7 Rotary actuator AC/DC 24V, 90Nm, O/C, IP66
Belimo DRC24G-T-7 Rotary actuator AC/DC 24V, 90Nm, O/C, IP66 £1,139.94
Sub-Total: £3,362.36
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Items: 5 -  Weight: 9.3Kgs
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Total: £4,034.83


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