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Sontay Space Thermostats ST-TY92C1
Sontay Space Thermostats ST-TY92C1 £28.89
Siemens GEB331.1E 240v 3 position (Is now the SIEMENS GEB341.1E)
Siemens GEB331.1E 240v 3 position (Is now the SIEMENS GEB341.1E) £122.65
Siemens GEB161.1E 24v (0-10vDC) Rotary 5N/m
Siemens GEB161.1E 24v (0-10vDC) Rotary 5N/m £145.63
Sontay Space Thermostats ST-TY92C3
Sontay Space Thermostats ST-TY92C3 £30.12
Sub-Total: £327.29
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Items: 4 -  Weight: 6.99Kgs
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Total: £392.75


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